Biyernes, Agosto 17, 2012

The last jobfair....

Whew! finally.. Ive already confided my secret with one of my closest friend in the office. I took this oppurtunity to be alone with her far from our officemates to tell that Im already leaving the company and this might be the last JOBFAIR that we can spend time together.
 Im happy that even we are in between tears, infront of our applicants :), we were able to exchange thoughts about my resignation. Im glad that she supports me and told me that she is very happy for the better oppurtunity that falls on my lap.
 Thanks CHLOIBERS... for taking my pictures, for listening, for being a friend and for simply being you...
I will surely miss u!

 Im glad that on my last jobfair, I was with you... :)
Till next time...

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